Heretaunga Women's Centre, Hastings, Hawke's Bay
Our activities and workshops are aimed at increasing social connection, enhancing wellbeing, increasing confidence, developing skills, self-development, and empowering women.
Q: Tell us a bit more about what you do at Heretaunga Women’s Centre.
A: At the Heretaunga Women’s Centre our purpose is to enhance and advocate for, the wellbeing, and empowerment of women. We are a charitable trust based in Hastings working collectively for positive change for women. We believe in sharing skills and strengths to provide women with resources to take responsibility for their own wellbeing, and a safe environment for support and companionship.
Women accessing the Heretaunga Women’s Centre are welcomed in a spirit of warmth, compassion, and helpfulness. Our Centre offers a range of services, courses, programmes, and activities provided by women for women. Courses, programmes, and activities offered are aimed at promoting health and wellbeing and providing opportunities for social connection and engagement. These include self-development workshops, skill development sessions, support groups and a range of interest-based activities that enable women to connect with other women and feel involved in their community. Additionally, we provide a number of support services including counselling, therapeutic supports, SuperGrans Heretaunga life skills mentoring, legal advice and advocacy.
All activities at the Centre are offered as low/no cost where women are asked to give a koha for activities based on what they are able to afford (if anything). The majority of activities, programmes and services offered at the Centre including therapies and counselling are provided by those who volunteer their time and experience.
Q Tell us bit more about the courses, classes, workshops you offer. Who can attend?
A: Each school term we provide a term programme full of activities, groups and workshops. Anyone who presents or identifies as a woman is welcome to attend. Our activities are aimed at increasing social connection, enhancing wellbeing, increasing confidence, developing skills, self-development, and empowering women. Examples of the courses and workshops that we have on offer at times include:
· Social connection – craft groups, knitting classes,
· Enhancing wellbeing – Mindfulness sessions, Understanding and Managing Anxiety workshops, Grief and Loss support groups, Women’s Health Educational sessions, yoga classes
· Self-development and empowerment – Transforming You workshops, Assertive Communication workshops, Therapeutic Parenting support group, legal advice appointments
· Therapeutic support – Mahi Wairua, Mirimiri, Bowen therapy, Herbalist appointments
· Skill development – sewing, cooking classes, self- defence class, Car Maintenance workshop, Harakeke Weaving
Q: What can people expect when attending your class?
A: Women attending our activities, classes and groups can expect to be treated with kindness, compassion and care. Those facilitating classes and workshops are passionate and skilled in their topic areas.
Q: What are the benefits of attending the course/ class or workshops?
A: The benefits of attending groups and workshops at the Heretaunga Women’s Centre are the opportunities for connection, the focus on wellbeing and empowerment, having fun and spending time with other like-minded women.
If you haven’t been to the women’s centre and are keen to find out more, please pop in! We’re happy to show you around and share what we do.