The Art of Parenting Support Group with Gillian and Chrissy
Understand child development and strategies you can use.
Using the latest from neuroscience about the brain, biology and human nature, Gillian Hewitt-Stubbs, a psychologist, and Chrissy Chalmers, a child development specialist, run a 6-week parenting support group.
They will cover the big questions: the why's, the what's, the when's and the how's.
The goal will be to understand what is going on for you and your little loved ones and why it might happen. Which strategies to use to support them navigate the ups and downs. When to use them and how to deliver them in a way that will influence positive outcomes for you all.
This parenting group is interested in supporting the next generation to grow up happy and healthy.
By appointment
30/10/22, 9:30 pm
4/12/22, 11:30 pm
what to bring:
Heretaunga Women's Centre
Nothing – just yourself
For queries and enrolments please contact the advertiser directly:
Heretaunga Women's Centre
(06) 878 5401