Supporting movement and health
Let’s not talk about exercise, but about activity.
Understanding our hormones, supporting movement to support health. Exercise is hard when you are tired, busy, hungry and have had a long day at work and/or looking after everyone else. What activities make us happy and healthy? Dr Samantha Newman will talk about activities to help bone strength, physical and mental wellbeing, improve metabolism, weight management, insulin resistance and briefly address some foods and supplements that are beneficial.
Why does activity make us feel so good? Why do we want to stay still? We’ll look at these factors and try and use them and other tools to motivate us and build physical and mental strength.
Some of the health conditions that will be covered in the context of activity include
• Osteoporosis
• Polycystic ovarian syndrome and insulin resistance
• Fibromyalgia
• Osteoarthritis
By appointment
15/11/21, 11:00 pm
16/11/21, 12:00 am
what to bring:
Heretaunga Women's Centre. Cnr Russell and Eastbourne streets, Hastings.
No requirements.
For queries and enrolments please contact the advertiser directly:
Heretaunga Women's Centre
06 878 5401