Staying Safe-Driver Refresher
Staying Safe: Refresher Course for Older Drivers
Staying Safe: Refresher Courses for Older Drivers
We drive on our roads every day. For many of us they are our lifeline – driving is a means of independence, social connection to family and friends and access to essential services.
With the generous support of Waka Kotahi (NZTA), Age Concern offers free Staying Safe: Refresher Courses for Older Drivers all over New Zealand to help keep older people safe on the roads.
The theory-based refresher course is an opportunity for people to re-familiarise themselves with traffic rules and safe driving practices in a friendly and relaxed environment with other older drivers. The course includes information on other transport options available to help keep you mobile for as long as possible, whether behind the wheel or when you stop driving.
By appointment
11/05/22, 10:00 pm
12/05/22, 3:00 am
what to bring:
War Memorial Hall, Waipukurau
pen and paper
For queries and enrolments please contact the advertiser directly:
Age Concern Hawke's Bay