Hillbilly Tap - Clogging
A “tap like” style of dance no partner required
Clogging Class- fun, friendship, music and excercise! A “tap like” style of dance no partner required
Cloggers dance to a wide variety of music from blue grass and country to pop and rock, no partners required.
Dances are cued like aerobics or square dancing so you don’t have to learn complete routines.
Great for friendship, fitness and enjoyment of music and dance.
$10 per class.
A tap like style of dance sometimes called Hillbillly Tap.Cloggers dance to a wide variety of music from blue grass ,country to pop & rock . Dances are cued like aerobics or square dance, no need to learn complete routines. Wear casual clothes, comfortable shoes with some flexibility in sole, preferably not rubber. We meet Monday mornings 9.30am usually til 10.45 -11am. Price per class $10
Check out our news article here: https://www.linkandlearn.nz/news/clogging-club-taps-into-fun-of-keeping-fit
Mondays 0930-11am
By appointment
30/06/24, 9:30 pm
27/10/24, 10:00 pm
10 / class
what to bring:
Clive Community Hall, Main Road, Clive
Casual clothes, comfortable shoes
For queries and enrolments please contact the advertiser directly: