Helen Dynes Painting Class
Feel the creativity and comradery in the air!
Helen Dynes strongly believes that art is a form of therapy and sees evidence of that in all her art connections with people. ‘Art allows you to express your own creativity. Often lying dormant, because of work or life commitments. Many people don’t get around to this form of self-help until they are ‘retired’ or suddenly find they have that precious commodity- time, on their hands.’ When Creative Arts Napier first opened, we were lucky to have Helen as one of our supporters and for her to bring her weekly painting class to our workshop which has been continuing for more than eight years.
A bonded group of passionate painters
Pay a visit to CAN on a Tuesday morning and you will feel the creativity and comradery in the air during Helen’s painting class. If you are in the room when Helen is tutoring, you will probably pick up a gem or two of artistic knowledge.
As the artists paint the subject of their choice, Helen carries out one on one tutorials with each of them. A fellow student might turn an ear to pick up some tips of their own or stay immersed in their own work. It is a supportive environment, with a constant exchange of ideas available, and constructive, informative advice on hand for everyone, no matter what level of experience.
The community and friendship in the group is apparent as well, as they share laughs, stories and often some homemade baking or homegrown produce. In fact, the communal aspect of the group was so important that they continued to meet at CAN
Pricing: $40 per session when booking x 5 or more classes or $45 casual.
By appointment
12/02/24, 9:15 pm
16/04/24, 12:45 am
what to bring:
Creative Arts Napier 16 Byron Street.
Just yourselves
For queries and enrolments please contact the advertiser directly:
Creative Arts Napier
06 835 9448